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- David
Berkowitz -
David Berkowitz's
1975 copy of
"A Treasury of Witchcraft and Devilry"
which he owned in prison
while still an avowed Satanist.
Later in 1979,
he presented the book
to his close friend Dee Channel.
Berkowitz has inscribed
and signed the book
to Channel in two places,
telling her that she would
enjoy it more than the "Amityville Horror,"
which had just come out of
Hollywood at this point in time.
The Book is in Excellent Condition.
- Sold -
David Richard Berkowitz
"The Son of Sam"
(born June 1, 1953) Berkowitz,is a serial killer who confessed
to killing six people and wounding several others in New York
City in the summer of 1976. It was a series of shootings that
would terrify New York and gain international press coverage.
The perpetrator was dubbed "The .44 Caliber Killer"
after his weapon of choice. The killer left cryptic notes to
the police and papers, taunting the city. After 2 years, and
thousands of man hours, police finally tracked down David in
relation to the crimes.
His first words upon arrest were reported to be, "What took
you so long?" Police searched his apartment, and found it
in disarray, with insane graffiti on the walls. During questioning,
Berkowitz told a tale that seemed to demand an insanity defense:
the "Sam" mentioned in the first letter was one Sam
Carr, a former neighbor of Berkowitz. Berkowitz claimed that
Carr's dog, Harvey, was possessed by an ancient demon, and that
it issued commands to Berkowitz to kill. Berkowitz said he once
tried to kill the dog, only to see his aim spoiled due to supernatural
He was sentenced on June 12, 1978 to six life sentences in prison
for the killings, making his maximum term 365 years to be served
in Attica Correctional Facility.
While in jail Berkowitz became a born again Christian and said
that his obsession with the occult and pornography played a major
role in these murders.
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