Outsider Art
by Matt Dukes Jordan
14"x16" framed
ink on paper
(seven 4"x6" drawings)

"3 AM"
Outsider Art
by Matt Dukes Jordan
4"x6"ink & acrylic
on canvas

"Call of the Booty"
6"x4" framed
acrylic on canvas

"Battle of the Boobs"
4"x4" framed
ink on paper

"Our Baby"
1.25"x2" framed
ink on paper

"Strange Brew"
7"x5" unframed
acrylic &
oil on canvas

"Love in Vain
(Steve Buscemi in
the 6th Diminsion)"
14"x11" unframed
acrylic &
oil on canvas

"Double Double"
10"x8" framed
acrylic &
oil on cardstock

"Booze Hound"
6"x4" unframed
acrylic &
oil on canvas

"Buk Beer # 1"
by Matt Dukes Jordan
2.25"x8" unframed
acrylic on

"Baby Medallion"
2"x2" framed
acrylic &
ink on paper

"The Dude"
9"x11" framed
acrylic on
paper & wood

"Pig Medallion"
2"x2" framed
acrylic &
ink on paper

"Flowers from
6"x4" unframed
acrylic on